BC Ocean Acidification and Hypoxia Action Plan

BC Ocean Acidification and Hypoxia Action Plan

BC Ocean Acidification and Hypoxia Action Plan aims to determine the state of knowledge related to ocean acidification and hypoxia in BC’s coastal waters, with long-term goals for addressing knowledge gaps and developing adaptation and mitigation strategies to support the fisheries and aquaculture sectors, traditional harvesters, and other BC seafood interests.


In 2019, the Province of British Columbia completed a Preliminary Strategic Climate Risk Assessment as a part of B.C.’s Climate Preparedness and Adaptation Strategy (CPAS) to better understand climate-related risks and help the provincial government develop appropriate measures to address those risks. This assessment noted that by 2050, ocean acidification (OA) was an almost certain likelihood to occur; however, due to a lack of information, the consequences from OA were much less certain. In addition to OA, hypoxia is also an anticipated intensifying threat along coastal margins. The fisheries and aquaculture sectors play an important part in BC’s food security and are vulnerable to OA and hypoxia. Accordingly, there is an urgent need to determine the state of knowledge related to OA and hypoxia in BCs coastal waters. In response to the Risk Assessment findings, the Province of BC is developing a BC Ocean Acidification and Hypoxia Action Plan.

Read the B.C. OAH Action plan

2023 Climate Ready B.C. Seafood Program 

The Climate Ready B.C. Seafood program is a first step to addressing the priorities outlined in the B.C. OAH Action Plan. This initiative, funded by the Ministry of Food and Agriculture, aims to support coastal communities in understanding, mitigating, and adapting to the impacts of climate change on B.C.'s oceans and coasts. The program will be administered by the Tula Foundation’s Ocean Decade Collaborative Center. 

More information on the program and the upcoming Request for Proposals is available on the Ocean Decade Collaborative website.

2022 OAH Workshop Series

In support of the Action Plan, a series of workshops will be convened to produce an environmental scan of the current state of knowledge regarding OA and hypoxia along the BC coastal margin and garner community input into the provincial action plan.

For further information click on the workshop of interest:

BC Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Fisheries Logo