State of the Science on OAH Research in BC

Nov 2 - Nov 4, 2021, British Columbia Fisheries & Aquaculture Ocean Acidification & Hypoxia Action Plan

This workshop has concluded. Please see below for links to slides and summary.

Aim: To produce an environmental scan of what we know and what we need to know related to patterns, trajectories, and impacts of ocean acidification and hypoxia along the British Columbia coastal margin.

Outcomes: A synthesis with recommendations from the research community to address what we need to know with regard to ocean acidification and hypoxia to develop regionally relevant mitigation and adaptation strategies to support B.C. fisheries and aquaculture sectors. To effectively achieve a thorough environmental scan, we need to consider 4 key themes: (1) observing, (2) modeling, (3) biological impact, (4) mitigation and adaptation.

Session 1:  OAH Frameworks & Gaps in Our Knowledge:

  1. Myron Roth: Intro & Opening Remarks

  2. Helen Gurney-Smith: MEOPAR OA Community of Practice

  3. Jan Newton: Lessons learned from the Washington and California plans, coordination from regional to global, and an exemplary vulnerability assessment 

  4. Richard Feely: A basin scale perspective of OA and hypoxia with linkages, and an example gap analysis based on the OAH inventory 

Session 2:  OAH Observing:

  1. Wiley Evans: Patterns of Marine CO2 

  2. Jen Jackson: Patterns of Marine Hypoxia

  3. Richard Dewey: Data Management (not available)

  4. Patrick Duke: State of the Technology, and technology transfer 

Session 3: OAH Modeling:

  1. Jim Christian: Modelling

Session 4: Biological Impacts from OAH:

  1. Iria Gimenez: Biological Impacts on British Columbian Marine Life 

  2. Jennifer Walkus: Science of Traditional Ecological Knowledge (not available) 

Session 5: Mitigation & Adaptation:

  1. Wiley Evans: The Global Carbon Budget

  2. Richard Dewey: Ocean Carbon Removal/Sequestration in the Offshore

  3. Margot Hessing-Lewis: Ocean Carbon Removal/Sequestration in the Nearshore

  4. Tim Green: Genetic Tools and Mitigating Hatchery Practices (not available)

Thank you to all attendees.

Further Information

For further information please contact:

Myron Roth, Ph.D., P.Ag. | Team Lead, Aquaculture & Marine Fisheries
BC Ministry of Agriculture & Food
E: | T: 778-698-3404

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