BC Coastal Communities’ Perspectives on OAH

Feb 15 - Feb 16, 2022, British Columbia Fisheries & Aquaculture Ocean Acidification & Hypoxia Action Plan

The third in a series of workshops to inform the BC Fisheries & Aquaculture Ocean Acidification and Hypoxia (OAH) Action Plan, the Coastal Communities’ Perspectives on OAH in BC workshop will be hosted virtually by the Quadra Centre for Coastal Dialogue on February 15th and 16th. This workshop will review the key themes and recommendations from the first two workshops on the State of the Science on OAH Research in BC and Seafood Harvester and Producer Perspectives on OAH. The focus of this workshop is to give an opportunity for BC’s local governments, First Nations governments and community members to share their perspectives and expand on socio-economic impacts and perspectives from affected communities. Input from this workshop will consist of a synthesis with recommendations for the BC OAH Action Plan from local and First Nations governments and community members in support of the development of regionally-relevant mitigation and adaptation strategies for BC’s fisheries and aquaculture sectors.

BC Coastal Communities' Perspectives Follow-up Survey


Session 1: Introduction/Overview (9:00-11:55)

  1. Myron Roth/Wiley Evans (09:00-09:30)
    • Welcome and Opening Remarks [30 min]
  2. Sarah Cooley (09:30-10:45)
    • Getting Action on Ocean Acidification [30 min]
    • Q&A and Discussion [45 min]

    Coffee Break (10:45-11:00)  

  3. Wiley Evans 
    • OAH Overview & BC OAH Action Plan Workshop Series [40 min]
    • Q&A and Discussion [15 min]

Lunch (12:00-13:30) 

Session 2:  Community Observations, Concerns and Needs (13:30-15:30)

  1. Myron/Kathryn (13:30-13:45)
    • Welcome back, introduction of the Ocean Decade Collaborative Center [15min]
  • Breakout: (13:45-15:00)
  • Group discussion: (15:00-15:30)  

DAY 2 

Session 3: Adaptation, Mitigation and Solutions (9:00-10:45)

  1. Myron Roth (09:00-09:15)
    • Welcome and Opening Remarks [15 min]
  2. Richard Dewey (09:15-09:35)
    • Mitigation – Offshore [20 min]
  3. Margot Hessing-Lewis (09:35-09:55)
    • Mitigation – Nearshore [20 min]
  4. Sally Cargill, MaPP Stakeholder advisory committee (9:55-10:15)
    • Local communities coming together to tackle complex issues [20 min]
  5. Q&A and Discussion (10:15-10:45)

Coffee Break: (10:45-11:00)

Session 4: BC OAH Action Plan: Draft Recommendations (11:00-12:30)

  1. Wiley Evans (11:00-11:25)
    • Presentation of Draft Recommendations [25 min]
  2. Q&A and Discussion (11:25-12:30)

Lunch:  (12:30-13:30)

Session 5: Wrap-Up (13:30-14:30)

  • Group Discussion: (13:30-14:30)

BC Coastal Communities' Perspectives Follow-up Survey

Further Information

For further information please contact:

Myron Roth, Ph.D., P.Ag. | Team Lead, Aquaculture & Marine Fisheries
BC Ministry of Agriculture & Food
E: Myron.Roth@gov.bc.ca | T: 778-698-3404

BC Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Fisheries Logo
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