BC Seafood Harvester and Producer Perspectives on OAH
Jan 27 - Jan 28, 2022, British Columbia Fisheries & Aquaculture Ocean Acidification & Hypoxia Action Plan
The second in a series of workshop to inform the BC Fisheries & Aquaculture Ocean Acidification and Hypoxia (OAH) Action Plan, the BC Seafood Harvesters and Producers Workshop on OAH will be hosted virtually by the Quadra Centre for Coastal Dialogue on Jnuary 27th and 28th. This workshop will review the key themes and recommendations from the first workshop on the State of the Science on OAH Research in BC and give an opportunity for BC’s commercial harvesters, food-fish harvesters and aquaculture producers to share their perspectives. The outcome of this workshop will consist of a synthesis with recommendations from harvesters and producers in support of the development of regionally relevant mitigation and adaptation strategies for BC’s fisheries and aquaculture sectors.
BC Seafood Harvester Perspectives Follow-up Survey
DAY 1:
Session 1: Introduction/Overview (10:00-12:00)
Myron Roth (10:00-10:45)
Welcome and Opening Remarks [15 min]
Wiley Evans (10:45-11:30)
Overview of Ocean Acidification & Hypoxia [15 min]
Review/Outcomes of the State of the Science Workshop [30 min]
OAH & State of the Science – Q&A: (11:30-12:00)
Lunch Break: (12:00-13:00)
Session 2: Seafood Sectoral Perspectives (13:00-15:30)
Christina Burridge, BC Seafood Alliance (13:00-13:20)
Andy Olson, Native Fishing Association (13:20-13:40)
Traditional & Commercial First Nations Perspectives (not available)
Kennedy Nikel & Jordan Hawkswell (13:40-14:00)
Coffee Break: (14:00-14:20)
Breakout: (14:20-15:00)
Group discussion: (15:00-15:30)
Session 3: Seafood Perspectives (9:00-11:30)
Wenche Gronbrekk, Seafood Business for Ocean Stewardship (SeaBOS)/UN Global Compact- Ocean Stewardship Coalition: Sustainable Ocean Business (9:00-9:30)
Linda Sams, Cermaq Canada (9:30-9:50)
Alex Munro, Fanny Bay Oysters (9:50-10:10)
Shellfish Farming Perspective (not available)
Coffee Break: (10:10-10:30)
Break Out Sessions (10:30-11:00)
Group Discussion: (11:00-1130)
Lunch: (11:30-12:30)
Session 4: Adaptation/Mitigation (12:30-16:00)
Richard Dewey (12:30-13:00)
Margot Hessing-Lewis (13:00-13:30)
Darah Gibson, BC Ministry of Agriculture, Food & Fisheries (13:30-13:50)
Tim Green (13:50-14:10)
Coffee Break: (14:10-14:25)
Break Out Groups: (14:25-15:00)
Group Discussion: (15:00-15:30)
Session 5: Wrap-Up (15:30-16:00)
BC Seafood Harvester Perspectives Follow-up Survey
Further Information
For further information please contact:
Myron Roth, Ph.D., P.Ag. | Team Lead, Aquaculture & Marine Fisheries
BC Ministry of Agriculture & Food
E: Myron.Roth@gov.bc.ca | T: 778-698-3404