Research community updates and synthesis manuscript draft
Kelp forests are one of the defining features of Pacific coastline of North America and form the foundation of the nearshore ocean ecosystem. Off the Pacific Coast, we are witnessing loss of kelp forest to varying degrees, and in some cases catastrophic. Collaboration and communication throughout the science, research, and resource management communities along the Pacific Coast is critical to advancing our understanding of the status of kelp forest health and distribution. Improving the quality and accessibility of remote sensing data and data products, as well as creating awareness for the suite of available tools for the most complete understanding of kelp ecosystems is a critical first-step in improving how we conserve and manage these systems. The Nature Conservancy California, along with the Hakai Institute, is working to bring knowledge holders together to discuss the current state of kelp data, remote sensing applications, trends and drivers. The first meeting was hosted at the TNC office in San Francisco in April of 2019.